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eSports Key Roles For US Players

Jonn Seo | January 21, 2020 | Updated on: July 24th, 2020

eSportsThe popularity of eSports has taken over the world, the eSports key roles play a vital role in how the campy functions. With plenty of punters who play eSports, there is a need to know about the contributors who make it all possible. We want to expand your knowledge beyond the playing field.

The fans and streamers are known in the gaming industry and some eSports key roles are neglected. In this guide, we shine some light on organizations, sponsors, managers, and coaches that are doing a remarkable job.

Without eSports key roles that come into play, the industry wouldn’t be this big today. It’s easy to play the games but let’s also appreciate the stakeholders who make the industry stand. We cover some of the people and companies who take on the eSports key functions. We can’t wait for you to read more about the significant roles each party plays in this leading industry below.

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eSports Key Roles Guide Contents

  • Top eSports Sportsbooks
  • Key Roles In the eSports Industry

Key Roles In the eSports Industry

While we play eSports games, there are people who piece everything together. It only makes sense that we give them the recognition that they deserve.  We discuss the important roles of the following organizations in the eSports Industry:

The Game Developers and Publishers

There are companies that play a vital role in the creation of games. They spread the games to make sure that the eSports games reach the fans.

There have only been a couple of developers that have fully accepted eSports thus far. In recent years, more developers have embraced eSports. We list the leading contributors below:

  • Blizzard Entertainment
  • Valve Cooperation
  • Riot Games
  • Microsoft Studios
  • Electronic Arts
  • Capcom

Hosts and Events Organisations

The business, organizer, host tournaments and leagues are important as well. The platform that they provide for teams and players to show off their talent in events is pretty impressive.

They attract huge audiences from around the planet. Many third-party companies ensure that contests happen. We have named the most recognized companies:

  • Major League Gaming – the company organizes contests all around North America. It features games such as StarCraft II.
  • ESL (Electronic Sports League) – this is one of the businesses to begin organizing eSports contests. It runs a few famous games such as the ESL Pro League.
  • Gfinity – the company organizes several live events and online tournaments for casual and professional gamers.

Gaming Bodies

While other sports such as football have governing bodies that regulate sports, eSports doesn’t have one. However, there are some organizations that can be called the governing bodies of eSports. The most notable ones are as follows:

  • World eSports Association (WESA)
  • International eSports Federation